1st, Jan. 2022 0:00:00(GMT)
Gazing at our home planet, "the Earth" from space with people from all over the world together at the beginning of the year.
This is the world’s first challenge to capture the first round of live images of the Earth in 2022 from the International Space Station, which orbits the Earth in 90 minutes.
Collect this limited 2022 Space NFTs, and be a crew member of the project!
0.2022 ETH
0 / 2022 sold
0.101 ETH
0 / 2022 sold
Purchases can be made both from PC and mobile devices.
Connect to Wallet and [BUY] the collection at the displayed price.
Once the payment has been made in the Wallet, the status of the collection will be in progress and it will be marked as SOLD OUT to other viewers. Depending on the scalability of Ethereum, minting may take some time; you can check the status with the Transaction Hash ID by Etherscan. After minting, please check the wallet where you received NFT or your OpenSea account.

1st, Jan. 2022 0:00:00(GMT)

When the two types of NFTs are completely sold out,
you will receive the following membership access, benefits and offers.
All details will be post in Mission Control Room, don’t miss it!
Mission Control Room
Get a permission to enter a member’s-only community channel in Discord. If you are a crew member, let’s join here first and work together to make the future of "The First Space Sunrise" more exciting!
A Special Earth Movie with credits
Produce a special video with the names of NFT holders in the video of the first circumnavigation of the Earth to be shot in 2022.
Monthly airdrop of ASTRO-DOGU
Among users who set the Space NFT as their Twitter icon or cover image, 1 person will be selected by lottery every month (12 times) to receive an original ASTRO-DOGU NFT airdrop on Polygon (MATIC).
Exclusive sales of original goods
We create exclusive KIBO goods such as T-shirts, hoodies, and mugs and sale online.
20.22% of the initial sales amount will be donated to international space projects
20.22% of the initial sales will be donated to international projects that contribute to future space activities.
The currently confirmed recipients are international astronomical projects such as Subaru Telescope and Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) through the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. This new class of extremely large telescope plays an important role in exploring the origin of the universe and leading us closer to finding out if life exists beyond the Earth. This donation will be used for activities to convey the appeal and significance of astronomy to the next generation.
The names of all initial members will be engraved on a honeycomb name plate installed at the foot of Subaru Telescope base facility in Hilo, Hawaii.
We will continue to make more donations in the future,
and will report on our progress in the Mission Control Room.
We will continue to make more donations in the future,
and will report on our progress in the Mission Control Room.
The International Space Station (ISS) orbiting at 400 km above the Earth at a speed of 8 km/sec, circling the Earth in 90 min. During the 90 min. space trip allows us to see many different faces and captures precious moments of the Earth, through in night time to the first sunrise in space after New Year.
In this project, the first circumnavigation images of the Earth taken from the ISS in the New Year 2022 will be generated in real time as 2022 pieces of NFT art, printed with the shooting time and ISS information.
The collection appears with live streaming images of the Earth and a map showing the current location of the ISS. Images will be captured every 3 sec. as the ISS circles the Earth in 90 min., and every 100 NFTs generated in real time will be dropped and lined up on the screen. All collection are equally made on a first-come, first-served basis. If you feel inspired, collect it right away.
The blue Earth that we are familiar with can be seen when the ISS is passing through the daytime region of the Earth.
The lights of cities make the jet-black Earth shine like a jewels during the night time. Our CG simulator will visualise the light of cities because of the sensor of outside-ship camera cannot captured this night scene.
This is THE FIRST SUNRISE of 2022 as seen from the ISS. It will be an impressive 10-minute experience as the blue layer of the atmosphere begins to show and theintense sun rises over the Earth.
The ISS is under the system of constant communication with the Earth as it orbits, but sometimes there are interruptions. Our CG simulator will represent during these times, which can only be seen by astronauts.
- ⋅ THE FIRST SPACE SUNRISE 2022 will be shot for about 90 min. starting just before the beginning of the year 2022 (GMT).
- ⋅ A picture of the Earth will be taken about every 3 sec. as seen from the ISS, and generate 2022 sets of NFT art with the information of the ISS appended.
- ⋅ The NFT collection will be dropped every time 100 pictures are collected in real time.
- ⋅ It will be available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis.
- ⋅ THE SPACE NFT are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and hosted on IPFS. The price is Fair launch and fair distribution : All costs 0.2022 ETH.
This is a figurines as a descendant of aliens who landed in Japan during the Jomon Era, dated between c. 14,000–300 BCE. Usually buried underground with only its head sticking out, and it flies into the space and orbits the Earth with the ISS on the New Year’s day. It may wishes for the development of humanity with his distinctive visor looking at THE FIRST SPACE SUNRISE.
- ⋅ ASTRO-DOGU will be generated from more about 80 distinctive elements in 2022 random and unique combinations.
- ⋅ The NFT collection will be dropped every time 100 pictures as the ISS orbit with the change of its background.
- ⋅ It will be available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis.
- ⋅ THE SPACE NFT are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and hosted on IPFS. The price is fair launch and fair distribution : All costs 0.101 ETH.
Optimized for Twitter profile
This NFT has been optimized for Twitter profiles: THE FIRST SPACE SUNRISE 2022 has been adjusted to fit perfectly in the header image, and ASTRO-DOGU has been adjusted to fit perfectly in the profile image. We hope you enjoy using them as your avatars.

The project is being accelerated by THE SPACE FRONTIER STUDIO KIBO. We aims to create a place where everyone on the Earth can freely express themselves while looking at the blue earth, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or race. Under our mission, we established a studio that connects the ISS to the Earth in real time.
The International Space Station is a landmark structure in human history, built by 15 nations in cooperation and it is the only space facility that can continue to provide live feeds around the Earth by using a spectacular communication system called TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite).
THE SPACE FRONTIER STUDIO KIBO will take full advantage of this infrastructure to record the first circumnavigation of the Earth in 2022 on the NFT.

Mission Specialist
Flight Engineer
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